What is required in a tender submission?
When the tender writer Sydney is preparing the tender submission there are several key elements or components that are required under the RFQ/RFT. The tender writing process requires planning and attention to detail and the tender writer’s first task is to comprehensively read the invitation to tender document.
The Quotation or Tender form is a document that is included in the RFQ/RFT document and needs to be completed and signed by the key personnel from the applicant company or organisation. It is then included by the tender writer with the submission.
The evaluation criteria determine how the quote or tender bid will be assessed by the evaluators. The tender writer is required to address all the selection criteria in their submission. On some occasions this information is weighted according to their importance to the evaluation process — in which case the tender writer has access to the weighting information within the RFQ/RFT document. The tender writer Sydney prepares a detailed response to all the evaluation criteria. The experienced tender writer spends time detailing the answers and addressing each of the selection criteria and expectations provided, breaking it down to any subsections in each criterion and using the keywords included in the RFQ/RFT document. The tender writer sets this section out clearly and logically using bold font for headings and thoroughly covers all components of the criteria. They provide examples and evidence of the company capabilities within each criterion.
To the tender writer, the compliance or mandatory criteria is the most important in terms of deciding whether the applicant should proceed with their tender application. The tender writer checks the RFQ/RFT documentation thoroughly to ensure that the applicant company or organisation complies with all the mandatory compliance expectations included such as do they hold the required licences, insurances, and expertise?
When particular licences, certification or insurances are mandatory criteria copies of these documents will be included by the tender writer with the submission.
The tender writer is also expected to confirm within their submission that the applicant organisation or company is fully prepared to comply with the conditions of contract as it is provided within the RFQ/RFT documentation.
When it comes to the element of price the tender writer is required to clearly present the price bid and also demonstrate how the price supplied was calculated.
In some RFQ/RFT the price schedule will be supplied and the tender writer uses that schedule to present the bid and information. If it is not supplied the onus is then on the tender writer to format a clear, legible and simple price schedule for inclusion with the bid application.
Other important elements of the tender application include the supplying of 2 referees who can vouch for the applicant company or organisation.
Special requirements or inclusions are generally financial statements, Quality Assurance documents, certifications, Insurances and relevant requested policies and procedures. These are organised and included by the tender writer in their submission process.